Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the interrelationships between our thoughts, feelings, body, and behaviours. CBT is the therapeutic approach that has the strongest evidence-base for a variety of difficulties you might be experiencing with thousands of published research studies supporting its effectiveness. It is inherently collaborative and focuses on the goals you want to work on in therapy. These goals can be problems you are experiencing in your life, a diagnosed mental health condition, or personal development to become the best version of yourself. Your therapist will work with you to develop these goals and then will help you understand the processes underlying your difficulties and develop a treatment plan with you. Cognitive behavioural therapy uses individualized cognitive models based on the specific difficulties you are experiencing in order to best help you reach your goals. Your therapist will focus on helping you make small changes in the ways that you make sense of the world and how you interact with it that will have a large impact on your wellbeing. CBT is typically time-limited, which means that we do not expect you to be in therapy forever and our goal is to help you to become your own therapist so that once therapy is over you will have the tools necessary to cope with other difficulties that might arise in your life in the future.
Contact us for your free phone consultation to find out if CBT is right for you.